Žan Kobal —
design, writting and recearch


selected work





     chair 001

selected writing     
    On Memory and Materiality
     Design, Designs
    The Difficult Heritage Of A Broken Past



Trajnostne perspektive #1
Perspectives on sustainability #1

Ste se spraševali, zakaj ste obkroženi s poleni? Najbrž ste navajeni elegantnih razstavnih postavitev med belimi galerijskimi stenami, kjer so konstrukcijski materiali skriti pod zloščenimi površinami. Kljub svetleči zunanjosti se je izkazalo, da so takšni materiali pogosto zelo škodljivi za okolje in jih je običajno težko reciklirati.

S tem v mislih so se kuratorji in ekipa BIO27 obrnili na arhitekturni atelje Medprostor in skupaj poiskali alternativni način postavitve bienalne razstave. Med snovanjem so preučili lokalne tradicije obdelave lesa in po poti ugotovili, da se je delež gozdov v Sloveniji v zadnjih 150. letih skorajda podvojil. Zaradi obilja lokalno dostopnega lesa se je zdelo povsem naravno, da se ga uporabi tudi za razstavno postavitev. Z izredno pomembnim dodatkom: z lesom je potrebno delati na karseda nedestruktiven način.

Namesto kupovanja lesa je bil zato za čas trajanja razstave BIO27 sklenjen dogovor z dvema lokalnima dobaviteljema o izposoji polen. Ker v Medprostoru smatrajo, da je oblikovanje razstave tudi del vsebine in ne zgolj piedestal za razstavljena dela, so se odločili, da bodo polena dodatno izpostavili kot del naracije. Po zaprtju razstave bodo polena vrnili dobaviteljema v nadaljnjo prodajo. Vse opisano bo bistveno zmanjšalo vpliv na okolje.

Če primerjamo emisije pri postavitvi prejšnjega bienala, kjer je bil za razstavne mize uporabljen deviški aluminij, je to velik korak naprej. Izbira in izposoja materiala je namreč zmanjšala skupne emisije ogljikovega dioksida za 7,4 tone, kar je 4,7-krat manj kot pri uporabi aluminija.


Have you been wondering why you are surrounded by firewood? I imagine that you are used to sleek exhibition setups housed in white-cube spaces where construction materials are hidden underneath shiny surfaces. Well, as it turns out, these materials can often be very harmful towards the environment and are usually difficult to recycle.

With this in mind, the curators and BIO27 team briefed Studio Medprostor to search for alternative ways of building up this exhibition. Looking into local traditions of woodworking, they discovered that the percentage of forests in Slovenia has almost doubled in the last 150 years. With the abundance of locally available wood it seemed only natural to use it for this exhibition. However, Studio Medprostor found it crucial to work with it in a non-destructive way.

Rather than buying wood, a deal to borrow some for the duration of BIO27 was made with two local wood suppliers. Recognizing the exhibition design as part of the content and not solely as a pedestal for the works exhibited, they decided to emphasise the firewood as part of the narrative by leaving the material on display. After the exhibition the logs will be returned to the supplier to be sold, radically reducing the impact of the exhibition setup.

This is a big step forward when comparing the emissions for the setup of the last biennial, where virgin aluminium was used for the construction of the display tables. The choice of material brought down the overall CO2 emissions by 7.4 tonnes, which is 4.7 times less than that of the aluminium.
