Žan Kobal —
design, writting and recearch


selected work





     chair 001

selected writing     
    On Memory and Materiality
     Design, Designs
    The Difficult Heritage Of A Broken Past



Trajnostne perspektive #5
Perspectives on sustainability #5

Analiza okoljskega odtisa je lahko varljiva. To področje je precej neraziskano in obsežno, vsi večinoma začenjajo z ničle. Mnoge stvari, procesi in dejanja, ki se na prvi pogled zdijo relativno drobni in nepomembni, imajo lahko v resnici presenetljivo velik negativen vpliv na okolje.

Eden od pogosto spregledanih virov emisij so različni načini vijačenja, spajanja in spenjanja. Po poročanju revije Dezeen, so pri oblikovanju razstave Waste Age v londonskem Muzeju oblikovanja, uspeli prihraniti 1,9 tone ogljikovega dioksida, ko so namesto tradicionalnih aluminijastih konstrukcij za predelne stene uporabili križno lepljene lesene okvirje. To je skupni odtis razstave znižalo za približno 20 odstotkov. A po postavitvi razstave in zaključenih izračunih so ugotovili, da je 4.800 vijakov iz nerjavečega jekla, ki so leseno konstrukcijo držali skupaj, k enačbi dodalo 1,2 toni emisij ogljikovega dioksida. To je izničilo velik del prizadevanj za zmanjšanje vpliva  na okolje.

Oblikovalska ekipa razstave BIO27 je zato morala pri tako nenavadnem konstrukcijskem materialu, kot so polena, poiskati pametno rešitev za zavarovanje struktur, hkrati pa upoštevati tudi vpliv ogljikovega dioksida. Odločili so se za uporabo najlonskih in kovinskih povezovalnih trakov. Na ta način so zagotovili enostavno montažo in demontažo brez poškodovanja polen. Izbrani način jim omogoča tudi prilagodljivost krčenju lesa v teku trajanje razstave. S ciljem znižanja odtisa so z namenom ponovne uporabe organizatorji najlonske povezovalne trakove pridobili iz Luke Koper, ki bi sicer pristali na odpadu. Po BIO27 jih bodo podarili Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer jih bodo študentje oblikovanja preoblikovali in ponovno uporabili.


Analysing environmental footprints can be tricky. First of all, since this field of research is still quite unexplored and vast, everyone is mostly learning from scratch. Some things, processes, and actions that may seem relatively small and irrelevant at first glance, can in fact have a surprisingly big negative impact on the environment.

One of the often overlooked sources of emissions are fixtures. When designing the Waste Age exhibition at the Design Museum in London, they managed to save 1.9 tonnes of CO2 by substituting the traditional aluminium structures with cross-laminated timber frames for some of the partitions, as reported by Dezeen. This brought down the total footprint by roughly 20%. However, only after the exhibition was built and calculations were finished, they realised that the 4,800 stainless steel decking screws which were needed to hold the timber construction together, added an additional 1.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions to the equation. This negated a great deal of the efforts to minimise the impact.

Dealing with such unusual construction material as firewood, the BIO27 exhibition design team had to come up with a clever solution to secure the structures while constantly keeping the CO2 impact in mind. They thought of using ratchet straps and metal bands that would enable easy construction and deconstruction without damaging the logs and at the same time allow for adjustments due to wood shrinkage throughout the exhibition. Working with the Port of Koper, they managed to source ratchet straps that would otherwise be discarded. After BIO27, these straps will be passed on to the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, where they will be reused and redesigned by design students.
